Keynote: Andrew Manches

Andrew Manches



Andrew Manches is Director of the Children and Technology group and Deputy Director of Research and Knowledge Exchange in the School of Education at the University of Edinburgh.

Previously an infant teacher, Andrew’s research focuses on the role of physical interaction in learning and the implications for emerging technologies. He has led a number of international grants, most recently leading the UK on a $2.4 million UK/US Science Learning+ project funded by the Wellcome/Economic Social Research Council/National Science Foundation which examines embodied learning in early science and the implications for museum exhibit design.

Andrew’s passion is bridging cognitive theory with everyday practice and design. In this endeavour he works closely with a range of formal and informal practitioners to develop educational resources – from card games to physical-digital museum exhibits. He has commercialised some of this work through PlayTalkLearn, a company which he founded and directs.

Andrew lives just outside Edinburgh in a 200 year old stable he is converting and has three children aged 1,5 and 6 who, sometimes, make great design partners.